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What's a "Diggy the Huskey"?

 Diggy the Huskey is a video game series that I made in early 2013 and finished late 2013. It was made on the flash game engine Sploder, a website that allows you to create your own free flash game.

So... what's it about?

The game is about a dog named Diggy Huskey on a mission to save the world from  being completely industrialized by a lizard named Con De Struction. 

That's cool, how did you come up with that?

 I originally made Diggy the Huskey in early 2012 as a small arcade game with GameMaker. The main focus of the game was to break barrels full of bones, dig up buried treasure, (hence the name "Diggy") and avoid barrels full of dynamite. The only enemy in the game was a red jack hammer that could hurt you and destroy your barrels and treasure, this enemy later became the most common enemy in Diggy the Huskey. Unfortunately, my computer eventually broke beyond repair and I lost all the data of the game.
 In the time I had while I was computerless, I came up with the idea of Diggy being a construction worker that would go through the various types of factories and construction zones. I then found it to be more interesting if he was trying to get rid of them, (since all of the obstacles where based on the flaws of industry). I started adding more characters to the game, and BOOM!, I began to re-make the game to how it is today!

Okay, quick question; can I put my fan art in the art page?

 People make fan art of this game?-- I mean-- of course! All you have to do is E-mail me at and I'll check it to make sure it's "E for everyone".
 And seriously, why do you have so many questions?

Alright, alright! But I still have one more question...


Why is it Diggy the Huskey instead of Husky???

 B-because that's just his name! It's in no way because I didn't know how to spell husky when I made the game! The same goes for Ruma's last name!

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